Six keynote speakers at the conference 'Getting our Cities Right #3 in June 2023, answer the question: From your perspective and background, what are the main ways to get our cities right?
Getting our Cities Right #3 – From Green Infrastructure to Urban Forestscapes
Read about Getting our Cities Right #3 - Umeå
Therapeutic landscapes beyond the lush season: extending the well-being benefits of urban green and blue spaces through outdoor leisure
This project examines possibilities for planning and use of nearby green/blue spaces beyond the ‘lush season’, to extend access to their benefits as ‘therapeutic landscapes’ throughout the year.
Urban wildlife management
(Fact sheet in Swedish) Många viltarter har ökat under de senaste hundra åren. Vilt i urbana miljöer erbjuder värdefulla ekosystemtjänster men medför också problem. Movium Fakta #6, skrivet av Fredrik Widemo, handlar om samspelet mellan djur och människor.
How animals are affected by living in the city
(News item and video in Swedish) För några år sedan tog sig gråsälar via strömmen in i centrala Norrköping. Rovfåglar och ugglor häckar på höga byggnader i flera städer, och bävrar verkar trivas mitt i Norrköping. Lever vilda…
Sand nesting bees in the age of urbanization: availability and quality of sandy habitat for wild bee biodiversity
Wild bees are crucial for maintaining biodiversity in urban areas. The aim of this study is to understand how the availability, size and quality of suitable sandy habitat in urban areas reflects the biodiversity of soil nesting wild…
Deficient sanitation increases the risk of animal spread diseases in slums
A research project led by researchers from SLU is studying how diseases that spread from animals to humans in Salvador, Brazil, can be reduced. The research includes four areas in metropolitan slums with a lack of sanitation, such…
More wildlife causes problems in cities
(Article in Swedish) En ny SLU-rapport sätter fokus på den kommunala viltförvaltningen, och visar att upplevda problem orsakade av vilt ökar. Det gäller framför allt i större städer, och ökningen är störst för vildsvin.
Urban Wildlife and Citizen Science
In this Urban Take-Away we meet Tim Hofmeester, Researcher at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies and SLU Urban Futures Hub Coordinator in Umeå. He shares his experiences with community science projects, discovering the secret lives…
Wildlife in the city
Hur står sig djurens rättigheter när vi planerar våra städer? Ska vi ha stora parker i städerna eller många små för att de vilda djuren ska trivas? Vilken stadsplanering är bäst för djuren och vilken forskning saknar vi?…
Animal Adaptations to Survive the Anthropocene
The world is changing fast. Some animals adapt and may even thrive in the presence of humans, while other species decline and face extinction. Dr. Kays will present his research using animal tracking and camera traps to study…
Meet your wild neighbours
Wildlife populations in Sweden have increased while cities have expanded into natural areas. Furthermore, many Swedish cities have a green infrastructure of forests and parks that allows wildlife to move into the city. As a consequence, there seems…
Bat monitoring in urban areas
Citizens’ science projects, in which the observations of thousands of people are systematically recorded, have a great potential for strengthening human-nature interactions in urban environments and contribute to scientific analyses of urban sustainability.
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