Urban Landscapes

Forest and Landscape

Governance , Urban Forestscapes , Urban Landscapes

This BSc course at SLU in Alnarp takes a comprehensive approach to the forest landscape and its importance for society through a combination of different perspectives on forest and landscape, environment and economy, management and maintenance,urban and rural.

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Investigating the approach of campus as a landscape oriented Living Lab

Living Labs , Method Development , Urban Landscapes

Campus Alnarp has a long tradition of using the outdoors for testbeds, trial areas and landscape laboratories. In 2022, a PhD project and unique collaboration started, involving Akademiska Hus, SLU Think Tank Movium, SLU Urban Futures and the…

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Is eternal peace possible in times of climate change?

Urban Landscapes

[Article in Swedish] Carola Wingren, professor på SLU i Ultuna, har tillsammans med Roger Marjavaara vid Umeå universitet publicerat en studie som uppskattar att minst 30 000 begravda kvarlevor kommer påverkas av klimatförändringar såsom stigande havsnivåer, översvämning och…

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