Food and nutrition security is a cornerstone for achieving global sustainable development. In Africa’s rapidly growing cities, unemployment and widespread poverty currently leads to high levels of food and nutrition insecurity for a large share of the population.
Getting our cities right: from critical urbanities to sustainable foodscapes
On 14th June 2022 SLU Urban Futures brought together international researchers and practitioners to explore critical urban research and research on sustainable foodscapes. Here you can read the summaries from all the presentations.
How de we get our cities right? June 2022
Four keynote speakers at the conference 'Getting our Cities Right' in Uppsala 2022, answer the question: From your perspective and background, what would be the three key ways to get our cities right?
Food waste in Addis Ababa
A little seed funding goes a long way! This project, led by Associate Professor Assem Abu Hatab at SLU, started with an application to SLU Urban Futures seed funding and resulted in a collaboration project in Addis Ababa…
New guest professor connects urban and rural through food and culture
(Article in Swedish) Håkan Jönsson, är gästprofessor på Institutionen för människa och samhälle. Med bakgrund som kock och med stor kärlek till mat, landsbygd och landskap hoppas han kunna koppla ihop för människan livsviktiga områden i sin nya…
How is the landscape affected by what we eat? In the masterprogram Food and Landscape you can learn more about how you can help shaping the food landscape of the future. (Select English subtitle under settings.)
Food & Cities
Food & Cities is a collaboration between SLU Future Food and SLU Urban Futures. The project communicates SLU’s existing research and aims to create new encounters between different disciplines and sectors.
Mushrooms cultivation in circular food production
(Article in Swedish) Städernas matavfall kan bli odlingsbäddar för ostronskivling. Den köttiga koralltickan trivs på sågspån från svensk skog. Odlad svamp kan bli en nyckelspelare i så kallad cirkulär matproduktion, menar forskare vid SLU.
Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!
In the apartment buildings of tomorrow, the lowly toilet is set to contribute to reduced emissions and more sustainable agriculture. A new system from researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) transforms urine into nutrient-filled pellets…
Urban Sustainability in the Global South
This transdisciplinary collaboration contributes to the development of research themes at SLU that capture synergies across SLU’s priority areas for global development and the global goals for sustainable development, using urban sustainability as an entry point.
Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance
The project focuses on the innovative use of anaerobically digested food waste, to allow urban production of healthy food such as oyster mushrooms and new types of leafy vegetables such as Pak Choi.
Smart urban food production
Food production and consumption entail major sustainability challenges such as climate change, resource consumption and ecological impact. Cities and urban environments are considered central to the development of the food system because they drive both distribution and consumption…
Urban Take-Away: The Futures Lab
Urban Take-Aways is a film series where researchers and practitioners share insights from various projects relating to urban sustainability. In the first Urban Take-Away, we meet Josefin Wangel and learn more about the Futures Lab at SLU.
Understanding urban foodscapes for planning, design and governance of cities
Food has always had an influence on the urban landscape, beginning in the early markets that cities developed around to today’s meeting places around and with food. It is not only about the food production process, but more…
Circular food production in urban contexts
By taking advantage of resource flows, competencies and activities in the Ultuna area, this project wants to create synergies with the expansive urban development now taking place in Uppsala, by creating a living laboratory for new research and…
The Sustainability of Urban Food Systems in Developing Countries
By 2050, the global food system must feed nine billion people, out of which around eight billions would be in developing countries. This implies the need for a major transformation in food systems- particularly in developing countries, if…
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