(Report in Swedish) Denna forskningsöversikt baseras på en genomgång av forskningsresultat från 88 vetenskapliga publikationer om ”child-friendly environments”. Vad är en barnvänlig bebyggd miljö, hur skapas den och av vem?
What will the green energy landscape of the future look like?
A Master's level course for future landscape architects deals with major global societal issues, such as sustainable energy production, economic growth and the consequences our choices have in our future landscapes. A green energy transition is necessary for…
OUT-FIT: Health-promoting outdoor environment in special housing for the elderly
(Article in Swedish) Det finns inga regler som bestämmer hur tillgången till utevistelse och naturupplevelser ska ske för äldre personer som bor på särskilda boenden i Sverige. Göteborgs universitet, Chalmers och SLU driver ett gemensamt forskningsprojekt som bland…
The Teenager City
(Video in Swedish) Lena Jungmark, landskapsarkitekt och nationell koordinator för barns och ungas utemiljö på SLU Tankesmedjan Movium, pratar om tonåringarnas plats i staden, under Lunchskap Tema Tonårsstaden den 26 augusti 2022.
Getting our cities right: from critical urbanities to sustainable foodscapes
On 14th June 2022 SLU Urban Futures brought together international researchers and practitioners to explore critical urban research and research on sustainable foodscapes. Here you can read the summaries from all the presentations.
SLU Urban Futures meets Michel Desvigne
Alnarp Campus is situated in the increasingly urbanized Öresund region. With its vast park and outdoor areas it can develop into a unique venue for students, scientists and citizens into a Green Living Laboratory for sustainable development.
The landscape architect program 50 years
(Video in Swedish) The landscape architect program at SLU celebrates 50 years in 2021. A short film was created where we get to hear some of those who were involved in building up the landscape architect education in…
Green solutions provided protection against flooding
(Article in Swedish) En unik studie från LTH och SLU visar att en ”grön ombyggnad” av ett bostadsområde i Malmö verkligen har lett till mindre översvämningsskador.
Informal Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development: Towards a more inclusive urban agenda
In September 2021 international guests were invited to explore the dynamics of rapid urbanization and environmental change in the context of informal settlements in the global south. Find the recorded webinar here.
The power of design and landscape perspectives
Landscape architecture, in research and practice, is a field with potential to greatly influence and strengthen urban transformations and sustainable development. We met with Gunilla Lindholm, associate professor in Landscape Architecture at SLU, to hear more about this…
Urban Forum – Practice meets Academia
Urban Forum is a collaboration between SLU Urban Futures and Urban Arena at Lund University. An Urban forum is a place where practice meets academia, for practitioners and practice-oriented researchers to exhibit their work, finished or in progress,…
Podcast: Designing environments for the human needs
Researcher Jonathan Stoltz from SLU shares his current research about how environments can be designed to cater for the human needs. The podcast hopes to inspire city designers to creatively integrate evidence-based design in their planning practices to…
The Landscape Architecture Programme 50 years
The Landscape Architecture Programme at SLU turns 50 years in 2021. This will be celebrated through a series of roundtable discussions, campus events, a film and an overview of the development of the education over 50 years.
How big should a schoolyard or preschoolyard be?
(Article in Swedish.) Hur stor ska en skolgård eller förskolegård vara? Konkurrensen om mark i bebyggd miljö har ofta resulterat i för små ytor för att kunna främja barns hälsosamma utevistelse. Fördjupad kunskap om dessa utemiljöers storlekar presenteras…
Urban running tracks
The lack of everyday exercise is a growing societal problem. The physical planning of our cities plays a central role in this context: more environments are needed that facilitate, and inspire, exercise. (Article in Swedish.)
Strategic Synthesis Project
This inter-institutional and transdisciplinary exchange targets harvesting knowledge on synthesis processes and methods relevant to urban topics considered at the European level. Initiated in 2018, it unfolds in partnership with IQ Samhällsbyggnad and Joint Programming Initiative JPI Urban…
Stad #31 – The urban norm
“Must city and country be opposites?” so asks STAD Magazine, echoing a commitment to think urban and rural together, in many arenas at SLU. The material highlighted here was selected to display perspectives, interlinkages and questions that spanning…
Movium Think Tank
Since 1980, Movium Think Tank has worked for knowledge development and knowledge dissemination in issues relating to urban development in Sweden. Today Movium offers a number of services, courses and publications designed for practitioners in the urban realm.…
Debate and reflection on urban landscapes
The magazine STAD captures trends, reflects on developments and highlights research on sustainable urban development. The magazine is written in Swedish and has been published by Movium Think Tank at SLU since 2013.
Urban Take-Away: The Futures Lab
Urban Take-Aways is a film series where researchers and practitioners share insights from various projects relating to urban sustainability. In the first Urban Take-Away, we meet Josefin Wangel and learn more about the Futures Lab at SLU.
Striving for Inclusion—A Systematic Review of Long-Term Participation in Strategic Management of Urban Green Spaces
User participation in urban green spaces is encouraged in international conventions. However, a social inclusion perspective is largely absent in the growing body of European scientific literature on urban green spaces.
Norra Sorgenfri Planned, Populated and Problematised: The role of social sustainability in urban renewal
An analysis of the role of social sustainability in the transformation of an urban industrial area in the city of Malmö, Sweden.
Emily Wade, adjunct professor of landscape-adapted infrastructure
Emily Wade, SLU Adjunct Artistic Professor and Landscape Architect, was one of the keynote speakers at the SLU Landscape Day in 2020. She introduced the development of a new hub in SLU exploring how the design of infrastructure…
Understanding urban foodscapes for planning, design and governance of cities
Food has always had an influence on the urban landscape, beginning in the early markets that cities developed around to today’s meeting places around and with food. It is not only about the food production process, but more…
Designing for Energy Transition – Dirk Sijmons (NL)
SLU Urban Talk - 17 January 2019. Dirk Sijmons, founder of the H+N+S office and former State Landscape Architect of the Netherlands examines the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy from a spatial design perspective.
Do you miss something here? Would you like to contribute? Please let us know: urbanfutures@slu.se