Urban Energyscapes

Urban Energyscapes

Anders Larsson

Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU

The energetic and green city – not a utopia anymore!

“What a nice and sunny summer day here in central Malmö! Just checked the meter. I have sold a lot of electricity through my share of the solar panel cladding installed on the facade and roof panels of our apartment house. I can definitely treat myself to a great dinner with my friends this evening. […]

Read the story!

What are urban energyscapes?

Energyscapes refer to relationships of energy consumption, production, distribution, governance and space. Exploring urban energyscapes allows investigations especially the ‘green energy transition’, renewing energy systems above ground rather than beneath, influencing markets and sources with their spatial imprints, thus shaping an understanding of shifting relationships and consequences of contemporary transitions for societies, ecosystems and landscapes.

Do you want to contribute?

We’re building the Urban Energyscapes theme at SLU Urban Futures and invite you to co-shape it. We are welcoming critical insights, feedback or content ideas, your contributions and networks can be valuable to explore this lens further. Share your thoughts to help us developing the scope of Urban Energyscapes at SLU.

Write to: urbanfutures@slu.se

What will the green energy landscape of the future look like?

A Master's level course for future landscape architects deals with major global societal issues, such as sustainable energy production, economic growth and the consequences our choices have in our future landscapes. A green energy transition is necessary for…

New Energy Landscapes

This project identified the challenge to tackle a lacking consideration of linking spatial planning with social, cultural and ecological values when planning for land-based renewable energy projects.

Designing for Energy Transition - Dirk Sijmons (NL)

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Design , Urban Energyscapes

Dirk Sijmons, founder of the H+N+S office and former State Landscape Architect of the Netherlands examines the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy from a spatial design perspective.

Innovative electrical and autonomous vegetation management in utility scale solar parks

The solar industry is growing rapidly and parks are covering ever growing areas.Thus, maintenance aspects are becoming increasingly important.The essence of the project lies in developing a competitive solution to manage the vegetation in a large solar park…

Projects granted seed funding in the Urban Food-Energy-Water nexus call

The urban Food-Water-Energy nexus refers to the complex ways food, energy and water systems are intricately connected through urban places and/or processes of urbanization. How food-energy-water systems are used, managed, governed and transformed are integrally connected to whether…

Helsingborg's urban lawns can operate 250 biogas cars per year

(Article in Swedish.) Klimat- och miljömålen gör att Sverige behöver satsa betydligt mer på lokalt producerad biogas. En ny rapport från SLU visar hur urbana gräsytor i Helsingborg har potentialen att driva cirka 250 biogasbilar per år.


Do you miss something here? Would you like to contribute? Please let us know: urbanfutures@slu.se

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