Urban trees and forests contribute to making cities socio-economically and environmentally more sustainable. This is a transdisciplinary field where the two platforms SLU Urban Futures and Future Forests meet and collaborate to identify knowledge gaps and new research…
A holistic view of flooding and water moving through the landscape
[SLU Kunskapsbank - In Swedish] När för mycket vatten hamnar på fel plats och vid fel tidpunkt, kallar vi det för översvämning. Allt oftare kan vi se i media hur folk som bor i översvämmade områden blir drabbade.…
NICE – Innovative And Enhanced Nature-Based Solutions For Sustainable Urban Water Cycle
This project will develop precision Nature Based Solutions for removing pollution and pathogens from urban waste water. SLU is the lead for WP6 - Modelling Nature Based Solutions, which will develop free, open source, software to help scientists,…
Green4Extremes – Green infrastructure for synergetic climate adaptation to extremes events
In the Green4Extremes project, researchers from SMHI, SLU and Lund University evaluate how green infrastructure can provide synergistic effects that counteract both flooding and heat stress in cities while making the cities more pleasant to live in.
The Conexus project is working with life-labs in seven European and Latin American cities to implement nature-based solutions. These focal cities share common challenges of sustainable urbanisation and are united by their extensive experience, transdisciplinary approach and vision…
Microforests make the city greener
[Article in Swedish] Temat ”Mer skog i staden” rullar vidare på SLU Tankesmedjan Movium och den 25 oktober är det dags för ett webbinarium om mikroskogar tillsammans med Henrik Sjöman, forskare på SLU.
Can microforests save the cities?
[Artickle in Swedish] De är små, snabbväxande och billiga och dyker upp över hela världen. De ökar den biologisk mångfalden och kan hjälpa mot värmeböljor och översvämningar. Kan mikroskogarna bli räddningen för städerna?
NORDGREEN – Smart Planning for Healthy and Green Nordic Cities
How are human wellbeing and access to green spaces integrated into city planning? The aim of NORDGREEN is to support integrated planning efforts for urban sustainability by developing and implementing smart planning and management solutions for well-designed, high-quality…
GreenME – Advancing Greencare in Europe
An integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of Nature-Based Therapies to improve mental health equity. Swedish chapter: Marcus Hedblom, Anna María Pálsdóttir, Helena Nordh, Anna Åshage
Urban Health – Diverse perspectives on health in urban settings
How can we understand the term Urban Healthscapes? SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health teamed up in an Urban Health webinar, aiming to bring together diverse perspectives on health in urban settings.
REGREEN – Nature-based solutions
The EU-funded REGREEN project will investigate NBS to restore, improve, enhance and conserve natural capital and biodiversity. It will help build climate resilience in cities, improve liveability, and contribute to building inclusive communities, in line with urban priorities.…
Creating cool islands in the city – how microclimates and urban greenery can reduce the dangers of heat
Extreme urban heat – a serious threat in cities and a contemporary health hazard
Vattnet svämmar över – vad händer?
(Article in Swedish.) Eftersom de största riskerna som är förknippade med översvämningar finns i städerna är det viktigt med åtgärder som minskar översvämningarna där.
What are urban forestscapes?
On the 7-8th of June 2023, SLU Urban Futures brought together researchers and practitioners for the third conference in the series 'Getting our cities Right'. The theme was 'From Green Infrastructure to Urban Forestscapes'. Six keynote spakers gave…
How do we get our cities right – June 2023
Six keynote speakers at the conference 'Getting our Cities Right #3 in June 2023, answer the question: From your perspective and background, what are the main ways to get our cities right?
Arguments for greener cities
(Research compilation in Swedish) Vilka fördelar har gröna städer? Argumenten för gröna städer är överväldigande för den som följer aktuell forskning. Växter i stadsmiljöer har positiva effekter för invånarnas hälsa, klimatet, den biologiska mångfalden, den sociala sammanhållningen och…
More trees are needed in cities
(Article in Swedish) Johanna Deak Sjöman är forskare i grön infrastruktur och urbana ekosystemstjänster vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. Hon ger oss en bild över det aktuella forskningsläget och förklarar hur grönska påverkar klimatet i urbana miljöer.
Live pod: Learning about research on landscapes for a sustainable society
(Link to Spotify) How can we research and how do we research, in SLU Landscape, with the objective of creating a more socially sustainable and health-promoting society? Human Land podcast, together with researchers from SLU Landscape, will explore…
Biodiverse: Urban Biodiversity
(In Swedish) Tidningen Biodiverse ges ut av SLU Centrum för biologisk mångfald med fyra nummer per år. Nr 4 2021 handlade om urban biodiversitet - om urbana träd, gröna tak, dagvattenhantering, om framtidsvisioner och djuren runt knuten.
What are urban forests?
Urban forests are in increasing focus these days as contributors to healthier, more resilient, and more attractive cities. But what do we mean with ‘urban forests’? On the 29th of September 2021, two research platforms at SLU invited…
Urban nature connects Europe and Latin America
By connecting researchers, policymakers, local communities and developers, the Conexus project is co-creating and evidencing solutions that are inspired and supported by nature. SLU is coordinating and running living labs across seven countries in Europe and Latin America.
Green solutions provided protection against flooding
(Article in Swedish) En unik studie från LTH och SLU visar att en ”grön ombyggnad” av ett bostadsområde i Malmö verkligen har lett till mindre översvämningsskador.
Urban open space governance and management
An anthology about the development and management of the urban landscape, suitable as course literature as well as for anyone interested in urban open space and sustainable development.
Sand nesting bees in the age of urbanization: availability and quality of sandy habitat for wild bee biodiversity
Wild bees are crucial for maintaining biodiversity in urban areas. The aim of this study is to understand how the availability, size and quality of suitable sandy habitat in urban areas reflects the biodiversity of soil nesting wild…
Movium Fakta: Urban green spaces
(Article in Swedish) Vilken roll spelar våra urbana grönområden för vår hälsa? Hur stora måste de vara och hur nära där vi bor? Resultaten presenteras i ett faktablad av Patrik Grahn & Jonathan Stoltz. Kan köpas i Moviums…
Swede dreams: can Malmö’s green points system help rewild London?
London will be the largest city in the world to implement a green space system. The Guardian visited Bo01 and Tobias Emilsson, a researcher at SLU, who presented the development of green roofs at the Bo01 district in…
SLU Multisensory Outdoor Laboratory – Sensola
How do we best understand the role of various outdoor environments in everyday life? Humans interact with urban and natural environments in ways that are dynamic, complex and multisensory. New portable technology makes it possible to study these…
Lab Stories – Ekostaden Augustenborg
Ekostaden (The Eco City) Augustenborg is one of Sweden´s largest urban sustainability projects. We met up with SLU researcher Tobias Emilsson to hear more about SLU's role in the Vinnova project 'Testbed for Green-Blue Urban Solutions'.
Grönskans betydelse
Vad bidrar träd, parker och urban natur med i form av ekosystemtjänster, hälsa, hållbarhet och biologisk mångfald? Se Tankesmedjan Moviums film om grönskans betydelse för oss människor.
Helsingborg’s urban lawns can operate 250 biogas cars per year
(Article in Swedish.) Klimat- och miljömålen gör att Sverige behöver satsa betydligt mer på lokalt producerad biogas. En ny rapport från SLU visar hur urbana gräsytor i Helsingborg har potentialen att driva cirka 250 biogasbilar per år.
City trees save money for society
(Article in Swedish.) Can society make money on city trees? Yes, and not a little either. In Stockholm, the trees jointly capture air compounds that can be equated with SEK 99 million in socio-economic value, according to the…
Anthology: The eco-city Augustenborg – Experiences and lessons learned
Augustenborg is a unique and successful example of socio-economic transformation in combination with ecological rehabilitation. The lessons and experience from Augustenborg can provide valuable insights on local implementation of SDG11.
Development of playscapes for children’s nature encounters
(Report in Swedish) I projekt efter projekt där lekmiljöer för barn skall iordningställas så ser vi hur leken undermineras genom att ytor med naturmark decimeras, vegetationen hålls tillbaka och konstgjorda material ersätter natur. Mot denna utveckling behövs nya…
Urban ecosystem services in strategic planning in Swedish municipalities
Research to date on urban ecosystem services has mainly been conducted in large cities, particularly in China, the USA and some European countries. This study examined the provision of urban ecosystem services in a Swedish municipality context, based…
Movium Think Tank
Since 1980, Movium Think Tank has worked for knowledge development and knowledge dissemination in issues relating to urban development in Sweden. Today Movium offers a number of services, courses and publications designed for practitioners in the urban realm.…
Debate and reflection on urban landscapes
The magazine STAD captures trends, reflects on developments and highlights research on sustainable urban development. The magazine is written in Swedish and has been published by Movium Think Tank at SLU since 2013.
Uppsala Municipality Collaboration
The goal of this project is to strengthen collaboration between SLU and Uppsala Municipality and to create synergies between the work of Uppsala Municipality and the research conducted at SLU that will have mutual benefits for both organisations…
Do you miss something here? Would you like to contribute? Please let us know: urbanfutures@slu.se