How can we understand the term Urban Healthscapes? SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health teamed up in an Urban Health webinar, aiming to bring together diverse perspectives on health in urban settings.

Urban Healthscapes

Amanda Gabriel
Lecturer at the Department of People and Society, SLU

Anna María Pálsdóttir
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at the Department of People and Society, SLU
“It’s remarkable to see how this place has blossomed over the past two decades. Twenty years ago, when the project was just beginning, it was hard to imagine a neighbourhood this vibrant, and yet so peaceful. The new eco-friendly street designs now link the parks with lush green corridors, and the urban farm has become […]
Read the story!What are urban healthscapes?
Healthscapes refers to the interrelations between humans and planetary health nested into places and emphasizing the various conditions shaping human-nature relationships. The studies of Healthscapes aim at the promotion of a holistic view of health (mental, physical health and well being) beyond the focus on disease. It explores the interplay between individual human experiences and the cultural, socio-economic and physical landscapes. Taking an Urban Healthscapes approach can contribute to understanding the complex links between health and sustainable and equitable urban development.
Do you want to contribute?
We’re building the Urban Healthscapes theme at SLU Urban Futures and invite you to co-shape it. We are welcoming critical insights, feedback or content ideas, your contributions and networks can be valuable to explore this lens further. Share your thoughts to help us developing the scope of Urban Healthscapes at SLU.
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