Room4water aims to link spatial planning, risk management and climate adaptation with nature conservation through cross-sectoral and cross-boundary cooperation within a case study watershed, with the overall aim of working towards a shared vision on creating space of…

Urban Waterscapes
What are urban waterscapes?
Waterscapes refer to the inter-relationships of water and society and their spatial consequences. Studying urban waterscapes explores water access,values, control and movements in space and time, shaped by climate, nature, culture, geography, technology and markets, representing (changing) water systems, landscapes and discourses.
Do you want to contribute?
We’re building the Urban Waterscapes theme at SLU Urban Futures and invite you to co-shape it. We are welcoming critical insights, feedback or content ideas, your contributions and networks can be valuable to explore this lens further. Share your thoughts to help us developing the scope of Urban Waterscapes at SLU.
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Green4Extremes - Green infrastructure for synergetic climate adaptation to extremes events
In the Green4Extremes project, researchers from SMHI, SLU and Lund University evaluate how green infrastructure can provide synergistic effects that counteract both flooding and heat stress in cities while making the cities more pleasant to live in.
A holistic view of flooding and water moving through the landscape
[SLU Kunskapsbank - In Swedish] När för mycket vatten hamnar på fel plats och vid fel tidpunkt, kallar vi det för översvämning. Allt oftare kan vi se i media hur folk som bor i översvämmade områden blir drabbade.…
NICE – Innovative And Enhanced Nature-Based Solutions For Sustainable Urban Water Cycle
This project will develop precision Nature Based Solutions for removing pollution and pathogens from urban waste water. SLU is the lead for WP6 - Modelling Nature Based Solutions, which will develop free, open source, software to help scientists,…
SLU Urban Futures joins the Sea Forum of BoSS Malmö
The Bauhaus of the Seas Sails (BoSS) is a project funded under the call for the development of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) by the European Union. The project aims to promote renewed ethical and aesthetic regenerative development…
Green solutions provided protection against flooding
(Article in Swedish) En unik studie från LTH och SLU visar att en ”grön ombyggnad” av ett bostadsområde i Malmö verkligen har lett till mindre översvämningsskador.
Effects of uncontrolled urbanization on river streamflow and water quality
Urbanisation cause degradation of water quality and streamflow in rivers and streams worldwide. Benjamin Gossweiler Herrera evaluated land changes, water quality and flow in the river after three decades of urbanization in his new doctoral thesis.
Is eternal peace possible in times of climate change?
[Article in Swedish] Carola Wingren, professor på SLU i Ultuna, har tillsammans med Roger Marjavaara vid Umeå universitet publicerat en studie som uppskattar att minst 30 000 begravda kvarlevor kommer påverkas av klimatförändringar såsom stigande havsnivåer, översvämning och…
Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!
In the apartment buildings of tomorrow, the lowly toilet is set to contribute to reduced emissions and more sustainable agriculture. A new system from researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) transforms urine into nutrient-filled pellets…