Urban Mobility

Barnvänlig bebyggd miljö – vad krävs? En forskningsöversikt

Urban Childhoods , Urban Design , Urban Mobility

(Report in Swedish) Denna forskningsöversikt baseras på en genomgång av forskningsresultat från 88 vetenskapliga publikationer om ”child-friendly environments”. Vad är en barnvänlig bebyggd miljö, hur skapas den och av vem?

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Child-Friendly Environments—What, How and by Whom?

Urban Childhoods , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Mobility

The socio-physical qualities of built environments are, in several ways, of imperative importance for children growing up. The Child-Friendly Cities initiative by UNICEF, an implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, has made local…

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Sustainable Leisure Mobilities in Compact Towns: Changing patterns of outdoor recreation in transit-oriented development (TOD)

Governance , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests , Urban Mobility

An SLU research project that contributes to an understanding of the potentials for wellbeing and sustainable leisure mobilities in compact cities, and to green structure development.

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Each major city has its own typical microbial flora according to a new global study

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Mobility

An international consortium has reported the largest study ever of the microbes found on surfaces and in air in metropolitan environments around the world. (Article in Swedish.)

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Urban running tracks

Urban Design , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Mobility

The lack of everyday exercise is a growing societal problem. The physical planning of our cities plays a central role in this context: more environments are needed that facilitate, and inspire, exercise. (Article in Swedish.)

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Norra Sorgenfri Planned, Populated and Problematised: The role of social sustainability in urban renewal

Urban Design , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Mobility

An analysis of the role of social sustainability in the transformation of an urban industrial area in the city of Malmö, Sweden.

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Emily Wade, adjunct professor of landscape-adapted infrastructure

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Urban Design , Urban Landscapes and Forests , Urban Mobility

Emily Wade, SLU Adjunct Artistic Professor and Landscape Architect, was one of the keynote speakers at the SLU Landscape Day in 2020. She introduced the development of a new hub in SLU exploring how the design of infrastructure…


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