The Landscape Architecture Programme at SLU turns 50 years in 2021. This will be celebrated through a series of roundtable discussions, campus events, a film and an overview of the development of the education over 50 years.
The power of design and landscape perspectives
Landscape architecture, in research and practice, is a field with potential to greatly influence and strengthen urban transformations and sustainable development. We met with Gunilla Lindholm, associate professor in Landscape Architecture at SLU, to hear more about this…
What drives people's decision-making regarding climate change? What personal values in the landscape are at risk from the effects of climate change?
A recently published article entitled "DeveLoP - a rationale and toolbox for Democratic Landscape Planning" presents a rationale and a toolbox for analyzing individuals' decision-making and elicit their values in the landscape.
Governance, Justice and Resistance: On the way to a fossil-free welfare society
An SLU project aiming to develop an integrated vision for transition governance that is more likely to be socially accepted and effective.
Food & Cities
Food & Cities is a collaboration between SLU Future Food and SLU Urban Futures. The project communicates SLU’s existing research and aims to create new encounters between different disciplines and sectors.
Food & Landscape
How is the landscape affected by what we eat? In the masterprogram Food and Landscape you can learn more about how you can help shaping the food landscape of the future. (Select English subtitle under settings.)
Society and Landscape Research School
The research school aims at creating an arena based on the humanities and social science perspectives that can critically engage with interdisciplinary issues pertaining to issues that are central to society.
Effects of uncontrolled urbanization on river streamflow and water quality
Urbanisation cause degradation of water quality and streamflow in rivers and streams worldwide. Benjamin Gossweiler Herrera evaluated land changes, water quality and flow in the river after three decades of urbanization in his new doctoral thesis.
Informal Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development: Towards a more inclusive urban agenda
In September 2021 international guests were invited to explore the dynamics of rapid urbanization and environmental change in the context of informal settlements in the global south. Find the recorded webinar here.
How big should a schoolyard or preschoolyard be?
(Article in Swedish.) Hur stor ska en skolgård eller förskolegård vara? Konkurrensen om mark i bebyggd miljö har ofta resulterat i för små ytor för att kunna främja barns hälsosamma utevistelse. Fördjupad kunskap om dessa utemiljöers storlekar presenteras…
Emily Wade, adjunct professor of landscape-adapted infrastructure
Emily Wade, SLU Adjunct Artistic Professor and Landscape Architect, was one of the keynote speakers at the SLU Landscape Day in 2020. She introduced the development of a new hub in SLU exploring how the design of infrastructure…
Urban open space governance and management
An anthology about the development and management of the urban landscape, suitable as course literature as well as for anyone interested in urban open space and sustainable development.
Podcast: Designing environments for the human needs
Researcher Jonathan Stoltz from SLU shares his current research about how environments can be designed to cater for the human needs. The podcast hopes to inspire city designers to creatively integrate evidence-based design in their planning practices to…
Designing for Energy Transition - Dirk Sijmons (NL)
Dirk Sijmons, founder of the H+N+S office and former State Landscape Architect of the Netherlands examines the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy from a spatial design perspective.
The Welfare Landscape Reassembled: Policies for sustainable outdoor recreation in times of urban densification
The project studies the heritage of the welfare state, the welfare landscape, and how its values can be secured in densification projects.
Wildlife in the city
Hur står sig djurens rättigheter när vi planerar våra städer? Ska vi ha stora parker i städerna eller många små för att de vilda djuren ska trivas? Vilken stadsplanering är bäst för djuren och vilken forskning saknar vi?…
Understanding urban foodscapes for planning, design and governance of cities
Food has always had an influence on the urban landscape, beginning in the early markets that cities developed around to today’s meeting places around and with food. It is not only about the food production process, but more…
Urban running tracks
The lack of everyday exercise is a growing societal problem. The physical planning of our cities plays a central role in this context: more environments are needed that facilitate, and inspire, exercise. (Article in Swedish.)