How do we get our cities right?

Our ever-growing urban areas are both responsible for the sustainability problems we face as a global community, as well as powerhouses for change. Sustainable food systems, urban design, green planning of public spaces, circular economy and mobility are all important pieces in the 'urban sustainability cake'.

What are urban forestscapes?

Governance , Urban Ecosystem Services , Urban Landscapes and Forests

On the 7-8th of June 2023, SLU Urban Futures brought together researchers and practitioners for the third conference in the series 'Getting our cities Right'. The theme was 'From Green Infrastructure to Urban Forestscapes'. Six keynote spakers gave…

Getting our Cities Right #2 - From Living Laboratories to urban healthscapes

Living Labs , Method Development , Urban Landscapes and Forests

In October 2022 the second conference of SLU Urban Futures’ series Getting Our Cities Right took place at SLU Campus Alnarp. The focus was on Living Laboratories as new formats for research, teaching, and societal interaction. Read the…

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How can Living Labs contribute to sustainable urban transformation?

Global Urban Sustainability , Living Labs , Method Development

A short clip where some of the speakers at the conference Getting our Cities Right #2 in Alnarp reflect on Living Laboratories as a methodology to create more sustainable urban landscapes.

Getting our cities right: from critical urbanities to sustainable foodscapes

Social Inclusiveness and Health , Urban Design , Urban Food and Agriculture

On 14th June 2022 SLU Urban Futures brought together international researchers and practitioners to explore critical urban research and research on sustainable foodscapes. Here you can read the summaries from all the presentations.

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Child-Friendly Environments—What, How and by Whom?

Social Inclusiveness and Health , Urban Childhoods , Urban Mobility

The socio-physical qualities of built environments are, in several ways, of imperative importance for children growing up. The Child-Friendly Cities initiative by UNICEF, an implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, has made local…

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Arguments for greener cities

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Ecosystem Services , Urban Landscapes and Forests

(Research compilation in Swedish) Vilka fördelar har gröna städer? Argumenten för gröna städer är överväldigande för den som följer aktuell forskning. Växter i stadsmiljöer har positiva effekter för invånarnas hälsa, klimatet, den biologiska mångfalden, den sociala sammanhållningen och…

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Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Circularity , Urban Food and Agriculture

In the apartment buildings of tomorrow, the lowly toilet is set to contribute to reduced emissions and more sustainable agriculture. A new system from researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) transforms urine into nutrient-filled pellets…

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Green solutions provided protection against flooding

Urban Biodiversity , Urban Design , Urban Ecosystem Services

(Article in Swedish) En unik studie från LTH och SLU visar att en ”grön ombyggnad” av ett bostadsområde i Malmö verkligen har lett till mindre översvämningsskador.

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Biodiverse: Urban Biodiversity

Social Inclusiveness and Health , Urban Biodiversity , Urban Ecosystem Services

(In Swedish) Tidningen Biodiverse ges ut av SLU Centrum för biologisk mångfald med fyra nummer per år. Nr 4 2021 handlade om urban biodiversitet - om urbana träd, gröna tak, dagvattenhantering, om framtidsvisioner och djuren runt knuten.

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