How do we think urban and rural together?

Displaying perspectives, interlinkages and questions that explore the issues and offer the knowledge for thinking urban and rural together. Spanning territories today understood as spatially and operationally intertwined.

Rural areas and immigrant-dense urban areas - Two perspectives on inequality

Urban Childhoods , Urban Healthscapes

(Report in Swedish) Trots ökad sysselsättning minskar levnadsstandarden i invandrartäta områden visar en rapport från Agrifood Economics Centre.

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New guest professor connects urban and rural through food and culture

Urban Food and Agriculture , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests

(Article in Swedish) Håkan Jönsson, är gästprofessor på Institutionen för människa och samhälle. Med bakgrund som kock och med stor kärlek till mat, landsbygd och landskap hoppas han kunna koppla ihop för människan livsviktiga områden i sin nya…

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Don’t flush the secret to sustainable agriculture down the toilet!

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Circularity , Urban Food and Agriculture

In the apartment buildings of tomorrow, the lowly toilet is set to contribute to reduced emissions and more sustainable agriculture. A new system from researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) transforms urine into nutrient-filled pellets…

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Stad #31 - The urban norm

Urban Design , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests

“Must city and country be opposites?” so asks STAD Magazine, echoing a commitment to think urban and rural together, in many arenas at SLU. The material highlighted here was selected to display perspectives, interlinkages and questions that spanning…

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Meet your wild neighbours

Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests , Urban Wildlife

Wildlife populations in Sweden have increased while cities have expanded into natural areas. Furthermore, many Swedish cities have a green infrastructure of forests and parks that allows wildlife to move into the city. As a consequence, there seems…

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The Sustainability of Urban Food Systems in Developing Countries

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Food and Agriculture , Urban Healthscapes

By 2050, the global food system must feed nine billion people, out of which around eight billions would be in developing countries. This implies the need for a major transformation in food systems- particularly in developing countries, if…

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Food waste to new food in an urban context – production, risk assessment and consumer acceptance

Method Development , Urban Circularity , Urban Food and Agriculture

The project focuses on the innovative use of anaerobically digested food waste, to allow urban production of healthy food such as oyster mushrooms and new types of leafy vegetables such as Pak Choi.

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Urban Wildlife and Citizen Science

Method Development , Urban Wildlife

In this Urban Take-Away we meet Tim Hofmeester, Researcher at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies and SLU Urban Futures Hub Coordinator in Umeå. He shares his experiences with community science projects, discovering the secret lives…

Circular food production in urban contexts

Living Labs , Urban Circularity , Urban Food and Agriculture

By taking advantage of resource flows, competencies and activities in the Ultuna area, this project wants to create synergies with the expansive urban development now taking place in Uppsala, by creating a living laboratory for new research and…

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Mushrooms cultivation in circular food production

Urban Circularity , Urban Food and Agriculture

(Article in Swedish) Städernas matavfall kan bli odlingsbäddar för ostronskivling. Den köttiga koralltickan trivs på sågspån från svensk skog. Odlad svamp kan bli en nyckelspelare i så kallad cirkulär matproduktion, menar forskare vid SLU.

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More wildlife causes problems in cities

Urban Biodiversity , Urban Wildlife

(Article in Swedish) En ny SLU-rapport sätter fokus på den kommunala viltförvaltningen, och visar att upplevda problem orsakade av vilt ökar. Det gäller framför allt i större städer, och ökningen är störst för vildsvin.

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Lab Stories - Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden

Living Labs , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests

Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden is one of SLU's living labs and an arena that invites to multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research and collaboration. SLU Urban Futures met Anna María Pálsdóttir and Vanessa Mårtensson to learn more about this kind…

Society and Landscape Research School

Governance , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests

The research school aims at creating an arena based on the humanities and social science perspectives that can critically engage with interdisciplinary issues pertaining to issues that are central to society.

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Source-sorting toilets and sewers - an important issue for sustainable urban development

Global Urban Sustainability , Urban Circularity , Urban Healthscapes

(Video in Swedish) Ett väl fungerande system för hantering av toalettavfall är grundläggande för både hälsa och miljö. Det finns dock de som menar att dagens vattenbaserade system har spelat ut sin roll, och att det är dags…

Sustainable Leisure Mobilities in Compact Towns: Changing patterns of outdoor recreation in transit-oriented development (TOD)

Governance , Urban Healthscapes , Urban Landscapes and Forests , Urban Mobility

An SLU research project that contributes to an understanding of the potentials for wellbeing and sustainable leisure mobilities in compact cities, and to green structure development.

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